How Old Do You Need to Be to Buy CBD: Your Ultimate Guide

3 min read

Are you curious about the age requirements for purchasing CBD products? If you’re seeking accurate and detailed information on “how old do you need to be to buy CBD,” you’ve come to the right place. In this comprehensive guide, we’ll address this topic thoroughly and provide you with essential insights.

Age Restrictions on CBD Purchases

CBD, short for cannabidiol, is derived from the cannabis plant. Its popularity has surged due to its potential health benefits. However, there are age restrictions in place to ensure its responsible use.

The age at which you can purchase CBD products largely depends on your location. Let’s delve deeper into the specifics:

United States

In the United States, the legal age to buy CBD varies by state. Most states require you to be at least 18 years old, but some have set the age limit at 21. To find out the exact age requirement in your state, consult your local laws.


Canada has set the minimum age for purchasing CBD at 18 years old. This aligns with the legal age for purchasing cannabis products in the country.

United Kingdom

The United Kingdom follows suit with a minimum age requirement of 18 for purchasing CBD products. This regulation ensures that CBD is treated similarly to other legal substances like alcohol and tobacco.


Down under, the minimum age to buy CBD products is also 18 years old. This regulation aims to prevent the use of CBD by minors.


a man and a woman holding marijuana in their hands

Q: Are there age restrictions for all CBD products?

A: Yes, age restrictions apply to all CBD products, including oils, capsules, edibles, and topicals.

Q: Can I purchase CBD online if I meet the age requirements?

A: Yes, you can buy CBD online as long as you meet the age requirements of your location.

Q: What happens if I attempt to purchase CBD underage?

A: Attempting to purchase CBD underage may result in legal consequences, including fines and penalties.

Q: Is there a difference in age requirements between hemp-derived and marijuana-derived CBD?

A: Age requirements typically apply to both hemp-derived and marijuana-derived CBD products, but the specifics may vary by location.

Q: Can a parent or guardian buy CBD for a minor?

A: In some places, a parent or guardian may purchase CBD for a minor, but it’s essential to understand the local regulations.

Q: Are there exceptions for medical use?

A: Some regions may have exceptions for medical CBD use by minors, but a doctor’s prescription is usually required.


In conclusion, the age at which you can buy CBD products varies by location. It’s crucial to be aware of your local regulations and adhere to them. Purchasing CBD responsibly not only ensures compliance with the law but also promotes safe and informed usage.

Remember that this guide provides general information, and it’s always wise to consult your local authorities or legal experts for specific advice regarding CBD regulations in your area.

Explore the world of CBD with confidence, knowing that you have the knowledge to make informed choices about its purchase and use.

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