Is CBD Legal in Korea: A Comprehensive Guide

3 min read

In recent years, CBD (cannabidiol) has gained immense popularity worldwide for its potential health benefits. However, the legal status of CBD varies from country to country. If you’re in Korea and are curious about the legality of CBD, you’ve come to the right place. This comprehensive guide will navigate you through the intricate landscape of CBD’s legality in Korea, addressing all your questions and concerns.

Is CBD Legal in Korea?

CBD’s legal status in Korea is a topic of great interest and debate. To provide you with a clear understanding, we’ve broken down the key aspects of CBD legality in Korea:

Understanding the Current Laws

The first step in exploring CBD’s legality in Korea is to understand the existing laws and regulations. As of my last knowledge update in September 2021, Korea has strict regulations regarding CBD, mainly due to its association with cannabis. It’s important to note that the legal landscape may have evolved since then.

The Korean Cannabis Control Act

The Korean Cannabis Control Act categorizes cannabis as a prohibited substance, including all its derivatives, such as CBD. This Act imposes severe penalties for the possession, sale, or use of cannabis, with potential imprisonment for violators.

Exceptions for Medical Use

While CBD derived from cannabis remains largely illegal, there are exceptions for medical use. In some cases, patients with specific medical conditions may be granted permission to use CBD products under strict supervision. However, acquiring such permission can be a complex and lengthy process.

Industrial Hemp-Derived CBD

It’s worth noting that CBD derived from industrial hemp with negligible THC content may have a different legal status. Some limited exceptions may exist for these products, but they are subject to stringent regulations and testing.

The Importance of Compliance

If you’re considering using or selling CBD in Korea, it’s crucial to stay updated with the latest legal developments and ensure full compliance with all relevant regulations.

FAQs about CBD Legality in Korea

  1. Q: Can I legally buy CBD over-the-counter in Korea? A: Generally, buying CBD over-the-counter is illegal in Korea. Exceptions exist for medical use, but they are rare and highly regulated.
  2. Q: Is CBD derived from industrial hemp legal in Korea? A: CBD from industrial hemp may have a different legal status, but strict regulations and testing apply.
  3. Q: How can I obtain permission for medical CBD use in Korea? A: Acquiring permission for medical CBD use in Korea is a complex process that involves medical assessments and approvals from multiple authorities.
  4. Q: Are there any penalties for possessing or selling illegal CBD in Korea? A: Yes, there are severe penalties, including imprisonment, for the possession, sale, or use of illegal CBD in Korea.
  5. Q: Are there any ongoing efforts to change CBD’s legal status in Korea? A: Legal discussions and debates about CBD in Korea are ongoing, but as of now, it remains largely restricted.
  6. Q: Can foreigners bring CBD products into Korea for personal use? A: Bringing CBD into Korea, even for personal use, can lead to legal consequences. It’s advisable to avoid doing so.


Navigating the legal landscape of CBD in Korea can be challenging, given the stringent regulations and evolving discussions. It’s essential to stay informed about the latest developments and comply with all applicable laws. Remember that my knowledge is based on information available up to September 2021, and the situation may have changed. Always consult local authorities or legal experts for the most up-to-date information on CBD’s legality in Korea.

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